Monday 20 October 2008


So, i was on my myspace today and i was (i'll admit it) ..SNOOPING!! Come on, everyone does it!! So anyway, i was on this persons page and i thought about the kind of things that people put for their headline..that got me thinking about quotes.

Everyone uses them and they all mean different things, but why are we so fixed on constantly living by these sayings. After all, they are just afew words. Isant it all just another way for us to try and put a meaning to life? So many people I know have got their favourites, the ones that they say they live by, but do they actully make a difference to our life? I'll admit it, i LOVE sayings and quotes, but arent we all just living by someone elses experiences? Perosnally i feel that the ones you can actully live by are the ones that you made up yourself. Imagine someone asking you to sum up your life in afew words..that'll be a quote! Most people like sayings because they sound nice, but in so many cases they have nothing to do with that persons own experiences with life and the world. Personally, i think that it dosent matter how it sounds to other people, if it means something to you then you should practise it in day-to-day life.

The thing that i live my life by? The saying that i have made that sums up my life?

Life is a room full of locked doors. Sometimes we go through the wrong door, but we can always get back out again. We'd spend our life looking for the key, when it was in our hands all along. We are in control. We decide.

Stefaniee x